I had the pleasure of meeting Sabra online when she introduced her first book, Micky, Ticky, Boo Says Hello. I interviewed her on SORMAG and I’ve kept in touch with her over the years. She has gone on to do great things with her writing.
See Ya On The Net: Please give a brief bio on you the person and the writer.
Sabra Robinson: I'd be glad to!
Me, the person
I'm the 9th child out of ten children and originally from Baltimore, Maryland where I am a proud alumni of Morgan State University.
I currently assist in the youth ministry at my church and enjoy singing on the praise team.
In the Summer of 2006, I will be attending Billy Graham's Seminary school, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary here in Charlotte.
In addition to writing my first multicultural children's picture book, Micky, Ticky, Boo! Says Hello, my vision to animate my characters for film and television allowed me to become recognized as a finalist out of over three hundred applicants for the ABC/Disney New Talent Development program for 2003.
Me, the writer
I am the founding editor of the inspirational anthology, The Lost Sheep: How I Got And Am Still Getting Over the Hump, an annual inspirational anthology which features true stories of God's restoration.
My first published book, Micky, Ticky, Boo! Says Hello, is a multicultural picture book of which I was a finalist for the ABC New Talent/Development program for my proposal to animate the characters for film.
I am also a member of the following professional organizations: The Christian Writers Fellowship International (CWFI), The African American Children's Writers and Illustrators (AACBWI), The Atlanta Urban Mediamakers Association (aUMi) and soon to form a Christian ministry, The Lost Sheep Ministries.
I anticipate writing for all age groups and anticipates featuring my children's book characters on film.
SYOTN: What is your current book and what inspired you to write it?
ROBINSON: Thanks for asking! My current book is "The Lost Sheep: How I Got Over The Hump." I was feeling overwhelmed with emotion because I was actually "lost." The Holy Spirit inspired me and guided me throughout my writing process.
SYOTN: When you're not writing, what do you like to do in your spare time?
ROBINSON: Go to dinner and a movie with the family...oh, and to Staples (so my daughter can play with the Easy Button!)
SYOTN: What was the most profound lesson you learned while writing this novel?
ROBINSON: Well, there is a lesson I learned before and after. Before writing, I learned that all I had to do was call on the name of the Lord for my needs for the project and He provided. When I needed an illustrator, Jolene Myles came along. When I needed a couple of pair of eyes, He sent me Brian and Tracie. When I needed a graphics person, He sent me Tracie again. It was wonderful in knowing He had my back!
I would also have to include that after writing the novel, one of the contributors strayed away from Christianity. It broke my heart because I knew this person for a couple of years. But the Lord just told me to pray - and I'm still praying. The lesson I learned from this is the power of prayer. Now, my desire is to be an effective intercessory prayer warrior for the body of Christ.
SYOTN: Is being a published writer what you thought it would be like?
ROBINSON: Being published is just like any other job to me. I don't see myself any different from anyone else, only that I have the experience and knowledge of self publishing a book.
SYOTN: How are you marketing your book and what are your thoughts about the importance of marketing for authors?
ROBINSON: At the moment, my book is available through Amazon.com and Lulu.com for those interested in purchasing a copy (please look for updated information on my Web site for updated distributors). However, I've spent most of my investments in giving books away to church members, friends and online acquaintances. My main goal was to reach the "sheep."
SYOTN: What advice would you give to a writer trying to get published?
ROBINSON: If employed, take some time off work at various increments. At times, I took a week, then one-to-two days if it was a long weekend. I spaced out my vacations several months in advance according to when the final product was set to be published.
-Join a writers community, whether it be a physical meeting place or online.
-Get your worked reviewed by those individuals in certain areas of your writing that you are not sure of. Because a portion of my book is comparable to a memoir (my personal chapters) I consulted my pastor, my friend who is an Evangelist and family members on certain situations for clarity on dates, people, and scriptures.
- Take chances and be prepared to SPEND MONEY!
-As always, be prayerful.
Thank you Sabra for taking time to introduce yourself to my readers. Many blessings to you and your writing. Stop by Sabra’s site and say hi.