Sunday our pastor asked us to find prayer partners and pray with them. I’ve never had a prayer partner before. I didn’t move when he first said get up and find someone. I held on to Sean who was asleep in my lap. The Spirit said, ask Angie. I glanced over at her and she hadn’t moved. Did she have a partner I wondered. The Spirit said ask Angie. This time I moved, with a sleeping baby in my arms. Angie was a good prayer maybe I could learn something from her. I asked her and she said, sure, she and I would be partners with another young lady. Veletta (I’m sure I’m spelling her name wrong). I tried not to panic, Veletta is an excellent prayer. Her prayers always send chills through me.
The four letter word showed up. What had I done? I’m not a public prayer. I can pray in my head and in my heart, but to pray with two other women. What would I say? Would they see I was a fraud? I teach children church and I can’t pray out loud.
They called me Sunday night, I wasn’t expecting it, but I stepped passed the fear and confessed I didn’t think I could pray and to my surprise they said they didn’t feel they were great prayers either. OK, I think I can do this.
Veletta prayed and she hit some points in my life, I wondered how did she know? Tears pricked me eyes and I was glad I had two prayer partners.
Monday I researched praying in public. Basically it said to get out of self and let God. I can do that. So when my partners called me last night, again I stepped around fear and prayed. I can’t even tell you what I said, but I know those words came from the Lord. I let go of self and let God. I prayed in public. I prayed for my partners and it felt wonderful.
I thought about FEAR and how it has controlled my writing. I was afraid to step around it and let God. Last night I learned a valuable lesson in life. I’m stepping around fear, get behind me. I’m letting go of LaShaunda and holding on to GOD. I know he has great plans for me and its time I stop letting FEAR get in the way of his plans.
Are you letting FEAR stop God plans for you?
Hold on to my hand and let’s step around fear into our blessings.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Monday, January 28, 2008
CFBA Author Intro: DiAnn Mills
Award-winning author, DiAnn Mills, launched her career in 1998 with the publication of her first book. She is the author of numerous titles including novels, novellas, and a nonfiction. In addition, she's written several short stories, articles, devotions, and has contributed to several nonfiction compilations.
DiAnn believes her readers should "Expect an Adventure." Her desire is to show characters solving real problems of today from a Christian perspective through a compelling story.
Several of her anthologies have appeared on the CBA Best Seller List. Three of her books have won the distinction of Best Historical of the Year by Heartsong Presents, and she remains a favorite author by Heartsong Present's readers. Two of her books have won short historical of the year by American Christian Fiction Writers both in 2003 and 2004. She was named Writer of the Year for 2004 at the 35th Annual Mount Hermon Christian Writer's Conference and is the recipient of Inspirational Reader's Choice Awards for 2005 in the long contemporary and novella categories.
DiAnn is a founding board member for American Christian Fiction Writers, a member of Inspirational Writers Alive, ChiLibris, Advanced Writers and Speakers Association and a mentor for the Jerry B. Jenkins Christian Writers Guild. She speaks to various groups and teaches writing workshops. DiAnn also belongs to Cy Fair Women's Networking, an exclusive professional women's networking organization.
She lives in sunny Houston, Texas, the home of heat, humidity, and Harleys. In fact she'd own one, but her legs are too short. DiAnn and her husband have four adult sons and are active members of Metropolitan Baptist Church.
Awaken My Heart
1803, the colony of Texas

Awaken My Heart is set in 19th century Texas and tells the story of 18 year old Marianne Phillips, the daughter of a wealthy rancher, Weston Phillips. Weston is involved in a hostile struggle with Armando Garcia, the infamous rebel leader of the 'mestizos' who claim to own the land that Phillips has settled.
Marianne Phillips, the daughter of a wealthy rancher, has never agreed with her father's harsh treatment of the poor mestizos who first inhabited the colony of Texas. When rebels kidnap Marianne, in hopes her father will trade back their land for her freedom, she realizes her loyalty lies with her abductors, not her father, who plans to marry her off to the don of a nearby estate.
Armando Garcia is the locals' reluctant leader, but his people revere and depend on him. Knowing that without his leadership they'd be forced from their land, Armando accepts his role, but does not approve of the latest attempt to manipulate their enemy. When he learns that Marianne actually speaks his language, of her loyalty to his people, and of the faith that keeps her strong, Armando is faced with a difficult decision. Will his newfound love keep him from letting her go? Or will he set her free and risk losing their land forever?
Friday, January 25, 2008
AUTHOR INTRO: Julie Lessman

LASHAUNDA'S NOTE: I write edgy Christian Fiction, so I’m always on the look out for these types of books. My fellow writer friend, Michelle Sutton, tipped me to a new book by a debut author and of course I had to read it. Oh my goodness I couldn’t put it down. It was so good. I was up all night reading. I love those types of books. What was really surprising to me is it’s a historical. Not many historicals are edgy. I highly recommend picking up this book. You will not be disappointed. I’m looking forward to reading the next books in this series. Did I mention I love series too. Yes, she’s found a new fan.
It’s my pleasure to introduce you to a new writer, even better if she’s from my home town. I know you’ll going to be a new fan too.
Julie Lessman is a debut author who has already garnered writing acclaim, including ten Romance Writers of America awards. She is a commercial writer for Maritz Travel, a published poet and a Golden Heart Finalist. Julie has a heart to write “Mainstream Inspirational,” reaching the 21st-century woman with compelling love stories laced with God’s precepts. She resides in Missouri with her husband and their golden retriever, and has two grown children and a daughter-in-law. Her first book, A Passion Most Pure, was released January 2008.
Visit her Web site at
A Passion Most Pure
She's found the love of her life. Unfortunately, he loves her sister ...

As World War I rages across the Atlantic in 1916, a smaller war is brewing in Boston. Faith O’Connor finds herself drawn to an Irish rogue who is anything but right for her. Collin McGuire is brash, cocky, and from the wrong side of the tracks, not to mention forbidden by her father. And then there’s the small matter that he is secretly courting her younger sister. But when Collin’s affections suddenly shift her way, it threatens to tear Faith's proper Boston family apart.
How did it feel to hold your first book?
Believe it or not, not as surreal as it felt seeing it on the shelf of Borders, right next to a Beverly Lewis bestseller!! You see, the publisher had already sent me an ARC copy—Advanced Reader’s Copy, which is a cheap, fast mock-up of your book that is sent to reviewers before the book is actually published; it has the cover and everything—so that was a real thrill, to be sure! But the moment that really brought it all home was the first time I saw A Passion Most Pure on the shelf at Borders! It was before Christmas, and my book wasn’t supposed to be out until January 1st, but a good friend said she had just bought it at a Borders in Indiana. Sure enough, there it was in our St. Louis Borders, so my husband and daughter faced it out (blocking some of the spines of Beverly Lewis’s books … sorry, Bev!) and took a cell-phone camera picture of it, which is now their screensaver. Way cool!!!
What would you like your readers to take away from your book?
The MOST important thing I pray readers take away from this book is the reality of how natural and fulfilling an intimate relationship with God can and SHOULD be. Like breathing. This book may be fiction, but this is NOT a fairy tale here. It is possible to have a living, breathing relationship with the God of the Universe. He’s crazy about us, and if most people really understood that, their lives would turn on a dime and blessings would overtake them. Believe me, I KNOW this firsthand—I used to be a hard, cynical, coarse human being before God pulled me up by the scruff of the neck and said, “Yo, Julie! Get a clue. You’re the apple of my eye!” He’s been the love of my life ever since.
What are your main concerns as a writer?
Gulp, well, right off the bat, my first concern is will I regret giving up my day job!! YIKES, I took a leap of faith and gave my notice so I can write fulltime. Okay, God, it’s you and me!
Other concerns are silly things like promotion (Dear Lord, I HATE promoting!) … or how to set up a newsletter on my Web site … or writing a new synopsis (universal groan). And every so often, I do battle annoying concerns about coming up with new plots or fresh characters for the long haul. But since I am a pretty wired individual (ya think?), I cannot afford the anxiety of concerns, so I simply turn them over to God. Easy to say, but hard to do? Yeah, at first, but then like anything, it becomes a wonderful habit, and of course you have God’s Word to anchor you—an absolute must!
What are three things you wish you’d known before you reached where you are now?
First, I wish I had known to go for an agent first, publisher second. I wasted two years and about 31 rejections on unagented queries to publishers, some of which took as long as three years to reply. In fact, within six months of signing with my agent, I sold to a publisher who STILL had an unagented proposal from me lost somewhere in their very deep slush pile!
Secondly, I wish I’d known what an emotional roller-coaster it was going to be AFTER I got published. Like a lot of unpublished writers, I thought all the anxiety and self-doubt would dissipate after I signed on the dotted line. I mean that would validate me, wouldn’t it? Give me confidence as a writer? But I discovered (AGAIN!) that true confidence is not in accolades from your editor or a really good review, but instead in where your heart is with God. HE is my confidence when my sales rankings on are high or low, which is why I CLING to the following Scripture from 2 Corinthians ll:3, praying it almost every day: Do not let my mind “be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ.”
Thirdly, I wish I had known to establish more of a database a year before my book was released. My agent says you only have one shot at a debut novel, so you have to give it your all—via a loaded Web site, blogs, newsletters, etc., none of which I had until about three months prior to my launch. I attended an ACFW seminar where the teacher said you need to work on this at least 1-1/2 to 2 years prior to a book launch, which, of course, I didn’t!
Which aspect of writing do you love the best, and which do you hate the most?
Love the best? Oh, easy—writing love scenes, of course! I like tension, lots and LOTS of romantic tension, so when I write those scenes, my keyboard is smoking because my fingers fly. In fact, one of my friends wanted to know why I couldn’t just write a nice, “sweet” love scene. Duh, because I would fall asleep! Even my husband noticed the fast and furious pace of my love scenes—he said he would be meandering along in a nice, easy passage and then, bam! A love scene would hit, and before he knew it, he was 20 pages down the road!
Hate the most? Groan … trying to get published or trying to promote a book. YUCK!! Dear Lord, just let me write!
Are you a morning writer or a night writer?
Generally all afternoon (on my 2 days off, that is, after Bible time, prayer time, exercise and laundry are taken care of!). But if I am in the final stretch of a book, I pretty much write every available moment after prayer/Bible/chores are done, day and night, often into the wee hours of the morning. During those times, my husband and daughter think it’s kind of like living with a zombie—vacant stare and blank personality until that final line is written. Needless to say, they’re not too fond of the “end-of-book” mode and take great pleasure in teasing me about it.
What do you do to make time for yourself?
I READ—every chance I get! I actually carry a book almost everywhere I go so I can read while I’m waiting in store checkout lines, at doctors’ offices or even at a stoplight (especially if there is a train!). My favorite genre is romance (shock!), the bigger the book, the better (which explains the … ahem … length of my own novels!). I also love watching old movies (Gone With the Wind, That Touch of Mink, Breakfast at Tiffany’s and Susan Slept Here are some of my favorites) and I especially like going out to dinner with my husband or snuggling with him while we watch a movie on “his” big-screen HD-TV. Mmm … now that’s making time for myself!
What should a new writer know about the publishing business.
Oh, boy, that it is slower than cold molasses!! You wait F-O-R-E-V-E-R for rejections or responses BEFORE you sell, and then you wait forever for things to move AFTER you sell. Maybe it’s my ten-cup-caffeine personality and twitchy leg syndrome, but I was not prepared for how LONG things take to go from contract to bookstore. So whatever you are sending to a publisher—from query letter to edits, you better be prepared to hurry up and wait.
How can readers get in contact with you?
Thanks for asking, LaShaunda! Readers can contact me through my Web site at, either by sending an e-mail via my site or by signing up for my newsletter, which will keep them updated on The Daughters of Boston series, as well as give them sneak peeks at the inside publishing process and info on book releases and signings. They can also just pop in and leave a comment and their e-mail on our group blog at, a blog about “The road to publication. Writing, contests, publication and everything in between.”).
Thank you, LaShaunda, for having me as your guest—it’s been fun!
Julie is kind enough to offer an autograph copy for one of our lucky readers.
Congrats to Pam J our winner
Christian Fiction,
Christian writing,
Julie Lessman

Julie Lessman is a debut author who has already garnered writing acclaim, including ten Romance Writers of America awards. She is a commercial writer for Maritz Travel, a published poet and a Golden Heart Finalist. Julie has a heart to write “Mainstream Inspirational,” reaching the 21st-century woman with compelling love stories laced with God’s precepts. She resides in Missouri with her husband and their golden retriever, and has two grown children and a daughter-in-law. Her first book, A Passion Most Pure, was released January 2008.
Visit her Web site at
A Passion Most Pure
She's found the love of her life. Unfortunately, he loves her sister ...

As World War I rages across the Atlantic in 1916, a smaller war is brewing in Boston. Faith O’Connor finds herself drawn to an Irish rogue who is anything but right for her. Collin McGuire is brash, cocky, and from the wrong side of the tracks, not to mention forbidden by her father. And then there’s the small matter that he is secretly courting her younger sister. But when Collin’s affections suddenly shift her way, it threatens to tear Faith's proper Boston family apart.
How can readers get in contact with you?
Thanks for asking, LaShaunda! Readers can contact me through my Web site at, either by sending an e-mail via my site or by signing up for my newsletter, which will keep them updated on The Daughters of Boston series, as well as give them sneak peeks at the inside publishing process and info on book releases and signings. They can also just pop in and leave a comment and their e-mail on our group blog at, a blog about “The road to publication. Writing, contests, publication and everything in between.”).
Thank you, LaShaunda, for having me as your guest—it’s been fun!
Julie is kind enough to offer an autograph copy for one of our lucky readers. Leave a comment for a chance to win.
“Room-a-Day Giveaway”
Kimberly-Clark is giving deserving Moms a great opportunity to “relax, restore and renew” through creating a fresh, new space in their homes for them and their families.
Kimberly-Clark will award 16 lucky winners and from January 28 to February 15, one person per weekday will be announced on The View and win $25,000 to renovate any room in their house.
The final contestant winner will be announced March 21st on the “Room-a-Day Giveaway” website. Contestants can enter the sweepstakes daily by going to
Info about Kimberly-Clark:
Kimberly-Clark has brands such as Kleenex®, Scott®, Huggies®, Pull-ups®, Depend® and Kotex®.
Kimberly-Clark's trusted brands offer solutions to clean, organize and beautify every room of your home, making life happier, healthier and more fulfilling.
P.S. if you win, stop by and let me know. You can't win if you don't enter.
Kimberly-Clark is giving deserving Moms a great opportunity to “relax, restore and renew” through creating a fresh, new space in their homes for them and their families.
Kimberly-Clark will award 16 lucky winners and from January 28 to February 15, one person per weekday will be announced on The View and win $25,000 to renovate any room in their house.
The final contestant winner will be announced March 21st on the “Room-a-Day Giveaway” website. Contestants can enter the sweepstakes daily by going to
Info about Kimberly-Clark:
Kimberly-Clark has brands such as Kleenex®, Scott®, Huggies®, Pull-ups®, Depend® and Kotex®.
Kimberly-Clark's trusted brands offer solutions to clean, organize and beautify every room of your home, making life happier, healthier and more fulfilling.
P.S. if you win, stop by and let me know. You can't win if you don't enter.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Matthew Raley is senior pastor of the Orland Evangelical Free Church in northern California, where he lives with his wife and two young children. For fun, he enjoys playing chamber music with friends, giving occasional solo recitals, and playing first violin in the North State Symphony. This is his first book.

Jim was at work when his eyes drifted to the coffee shop visible from his office window. An attractive woman driving a Mercedes pulled up to the curb . . . and Jim’s married pastor emerged from the car. When Jim delves deeper into his pastor’s world, will he be able to handle what he discovers? Is he right to suspect that Dave is having an affair? In the behind-the-scenes church battle that ensues, Jim is torn between duty to his church and a desire to show grace. A ripped-from-the-headlines drama of suspense that keeps you engaged to the last page.
Fallen is the story about Jim’s relationship with Dave—how Jim tries to do the right thing to keep Dave accountable, but finds the situation getting worse and worse. It’s also about Jim’s other relationships. Just as he discovers hypocrisy in Dave, Jim discovers his own sins against his wife and daughter.
IN MEMORY OF: Heath Ledger
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
CFBA Author Intro: Sally E. Stuart

The Christian Writers’ Market Guide 2008
The essential reference tool for the Christian writer, Sally Stuart’s Christian Writers’ Market Guide is now in its 23rd annual edition!
Check out the section on Blogging on page 69...the CFBA is listed!
Writers’ Conference listings, Book Publishers, Magazine Publishers, and a Bookstore filled with the resources you need to be successful in this business. Get a Book Contract or Manuscript Evaluation, and check out the Writer’s Resource links. This book has all you need to connect to all these valuable helps for the beginning, intermediate, or professional writer.
To keep you up to date with the latest marketing news, visit Sally Stuart’s new marketing blog, Christian Writers’ Marketplace, at
A new, updated version of the Christian Writers’ Market Guide is available about January 15 each year.
Sally Stuart has been writing for the last 40+ years, and has been putting out the annual "Christian Writers' Market Guide" for the last 23 years. Her other writing includes several Christian education resources books, a children's picture book, a basic writing text, writing resources, and a western novel--plus hundreds of articles and marketing columns. She writes marketing columns for the "Christian Communicator," "Advanced Christian Writer," and the Oregon Christian Writers' Newsletter. She speaks and teaches at Christian Writers' Conferences nationwide. Sally is the mother of 3 and grandmother of 8. She and her husband, Norm, spend their free time vacationing on the Oregon coast.
Check out her blog!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
I Get It
In my revision process, I’ve made a list of words that I highlight and remove or replace. This time I used different colors. Red for passive words, yellow for those that needed to be replaced and green for those that need to be removed.
It is very eye opening to see your manuscript with these highlights. If you want to improve your manuscript this is a good way to do it. You can see the strong sentences because there’s nothing highlighted. The weak sentences are filled with highlights.
Last night I worked on chapter one again with the highlights this time. I was able to build on the sentences and hopefully make it a stronger chapter.
As I was sitting on the bed, it clicked in my head, this is what revision is about, making your story stronger.
What do you do to make your story stronger?
It is very eye opening to see your manuscript with these highlights. If you want to improve your manuscript this is a good way to do it. You can see the strong sentences because there’s nothing highlighted. The weak sentences are filled with highlights.
Last night I worked on chapter one again with the highlights this time. I was able to build on the sentences and hopefully make it a stronger chapter.
As I was sitting on the bed, it clicked in my head, this is what revision is about, making your story stronger.
What do you do to make your story stronger?
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
CFBA Author Intro: Marilynn Griffith

Marilynn Griffith is mom to a tribe, wife to a deacon and proof that God gives second chances. While best known for her colorful novels about friendship, family and faith, Marilynn is also a speaker and nonfiction writer.
Her nonfiction has been included in CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE CHRISTIAN WOMAN'S SOUL and several other devotionals and magazines. Currently, Marilynn is editor of the SISTAHFAITH:BELIEVING BEYOND SHAME anthology. She is also the founder of, a blog for faith fiction readers.
Marilynn is the author of six novels dealing with issues such as teen pregnancy, AIDS, abstinence, stress relief, single parenting and marriage. Her recent fiction titles include TANGERINE and IF THE SHOE FITS.
Marilynn has served as Vice President and Publicity Officer of American Christian Fiction Writers. She speaks to youth, women and writers about believing beyond boundaries and daring to reach dreams.
Marilynn lives in Florida with her husband and seven children whom she taught at home for seven years. When not chasing toddlers, helping with homework or trying to find her husband a clean shirt, she can be found scribbling furiously on her next novel.
To book Marilynn for media interviews, speaking engagements, Serious Fun fiction parties or book club call-ins, please contact her thru her WEBSITE.
Happily Even After (#3 - Sassy Sistahood Series)

Superwoman doesn't live here!
I marry a gorgeous executive, have a baby, lose all the weight (most of it), and move to a fine house in the suburbs with a welcoming new church. Wait...did I say welcoming?
One teeny waaah! and new mothers and their crying babies are exiled to a separate room. At least there's some enlightening conversation. Like about my husband and issues I didn't even know about!
And then there's my aptly named mother-in-law, Queen Elizabeth, who can't stand me.
I'm about to lose my mind! So it's high time for a visit to the Sassy Sistahood for some much-needed advice about men, marriage and motherhood!
The Sassy Sistahood: They get by with a little help from their friends.
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
I revised a chapter last night. I decided to take each sentence and try to make it better. That’s hard when you think its fine already. I ended up re-writing the beginning of my first chapter, it sounds better.
My mother always says you can’t plan your day. I had it all figured out, I’d write from 10 pm until 12. I’d put the baby down to sleep and have all this free time to myself. Why don’t I listen to my mother? I put the baby down at nine. He’s sleeping peacefully, then my daughter and mother come down stairs and his nosy self wakes up. So now he’s wide awake and does not want to go back to sleep. I’m talking, super hyper as if he’s had a ton of sugar.
I so easily want to change my mind about the writing, but I tell myself no, this is just another bump in the road, you can get through it. As Sean jumps over me and runs his mouth non stop, I revise my chapter. It was hard, trying to keep the pages away from those small hands, but I did it.
Yes you can write with small children, but be prepared to fight for your pages.
Pray Sean sleeps tonight.
My mother always says you can’t plan your day. I had it all figured out, I’d write from 10 pm until 12. I’d put the baby down to sleep and have all this free time to myself. Why don’t I listen to my mother? I put the baby down at nine. He’s sleeping peacefully, then my daughter and mother come down stairs and his nosy self wakes up. So now he’s wide awake and does not want to go back to sleep. I’m talking, super hyper as if he’s had a ton of sugar.
I so easily want to change my mind about the writing, but I tell myself no, this is just another bump in the road, you can get through it. As Sean jumps over me and runs his mouth non stop, I revise my chapter. It was hard, trying to keep the pages away from those small hands, but I did it.
Yes you can write with small children, but be prepared to fight for your pages.
Pray Sean sleeps tonight.
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
My Words for 2008
My friend Mary always comes up with a word for each year. I always say I’m going to find a word, but I never do. This year I chose two words, one for my spiritual being and one for my mental being.
TRUST – I say I believe in the Lord, but do I trust him? I wrote my impossible letter yesterday another suggestion from my friend Mary. It was deep to write about what I believe God can do. I know he can do amazing things, I’ve seen him. However for little old LaShaunda its hard to trust that he can do amazing things for ME. So 2008 I’m going to believe and trust in the Lord and lean not to my own understandings.
PAMPER – a word that is in my vocabulary for everyone but myself. This year I will pamper me. That means taking time for me, reading a book because I want to. Getting my nails and hair done, and making sure its in the budget and not taking out because a bill needs to be paid. Pamper me needs to be in the budget. I found out last year I wasn’t pampering me. I wasn’t listening to me. I was into everything else but me. This year will be different. I will make time for ME.
What is your word for 2008?
TRUST – I say I believe in the Lord, but do I trust him? I wrote my impossible letter yesterday another suggestion from my friend Mary. It was deep to write about what I believe God can do. I know he can do amazing things, I’ve seen him. However for little old LaShaunda its hard to trust that he can do amazing things for ME. So 2008 I’m going to believe and trust in the Lord and lean not to my own understandings.
PAMPER – a word that is in my vocabulary for everyone but myself. This year I will pamper me. That means taking time for me, reading a book because I want to. Getting my nails and hair done, and making sure its in the budget and not taking out because a bill needs to be paid. Pamper me needs to be in the budget. I found out last year I wasn’t pampering me. I wasn’t listening to me. I was into everything else but me. This year will be different. I will make time for ME.
What is your word for 2008?
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