I’ve joined the Christian Fiction Blog Alliance to help promote authors. My first author to promote is Taylor Field. His book is Squat.
Taylor Field has worked since 1986 in the inner city of New York where he is pastor of East Seventh Baptist Church and it’s service arm Graffiti Community Ministries. He holds a M.Div. from Princeton and Ph.D. from Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary. Among his previous books is Mercy Streets. Mercy Streets won Outreach magazine’s Best Outreach Resource of 2003 award in the Testimony/Biography category.
Field and his family live in New York, New York.
"We live in a squat. We don’t know squat. We don’t have squat. We don’t do squat. We don’t give a squat. People say we’re not worth squat."
In the shadow of Wall Street’s wealth, homeless people with names like Squid, Saw, and Bonehead live in abandoned buildings known as "squats" where life is hand to mouth, where fear and violence fester. The light in Squid’s obsessive-compulsive mind’s eye is Rachel, a loving soup kitchen missionary who tells him about faith and unfaith, hypocrisy and justice, the character of God and finding identity in Him. And in the wild twenty-four-hour passage of literary time that is Squat, Squid begins to believe that his life may actually amount to something.
Read a sample chapter of SQUAT

Great review LaShaunda. What a ministry tool this book is turning out to be!
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