Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Lessons Learned In 2013 – Make A Plan

With SORMAG (My online magazine) I’ve always made a plan for the year. Then broke it up into monthly chunks to help me work the plan. Creating a Plan for the years always worked for SORMAG I don’t know why I didn’t think about doing this for my own writing.

In the past I just wrote when I wanted to. However for 2013, I made a plan and tried to stick to it. I made a schedule for writing. I set a timer to make sure I met that challenge and it worked for me. I felt productive and I saw my chunks becoming smaller.

I shared this system in December by hosting a Creating An Online Marketing Plan workshop. Even though I was the instructor, I learned a lot too from my students. They created their own marketing plan and I believe 2014 will be their best year for marketing their books. I’m a firm believer now that creating a plan will help you with your writing and your business. Take time to schedule your writing for the year and see how much you get done.

This is my last lesson learned. I hope my seven lessons have been helpful for you.

Feel free to tell me what you think about my lessons or share your lessons for 2013.

Do you create a writing schedule? Share what you do to make time for writing.

Did you miss the other lessons - CLICK HERE TO READ

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