Baby Einstein has a new DVD Baby Mozart.
I popped it into the DVD and sat my 23mth old in front of the t.v. He was entranced. He loves music, so I think the music caught his attention. Each song features different scenes and activities.
The music was classical and I enjoyed listening to it too, very soothing.
To our surprise my eight year old sat beside my son and watched the dvd too.
The baby enjoyed the puppy scene and the scene that looks like globs of goop. The eight year old named the planets, impressing me with how many he knew by name.
I think the best part of watching the DVD was the way the baby reacted to each scene. He would talk to the t.v. or try to touch the t.v. He was too funny.
The baby and I are big fans of Baby Einstein. I'm glad we got a chance to try out this DVD, thanks Disney for our free copy.
Now I know what to add to the baby's Christmas list.
I must warn you that we had to watch the DVD five times because my son refuse to let me turn off the DVD. LOL
DVD Viewing Tips
Without exception, one of the most significant moments of discovery for any mom, is the day she realizes her baby truly recognizes her and wants her above all others. That bond, the super-glue of parent child attachment, is the foundation for baby’s healthy development.
At Baby Einstein, each DVD is designed to reinforce parent-child interaction by providing visually interesting, entertaining content that you and your baby can watch together. Whether the theme is art, music, or barnyard animals, each DVD offers an opportunity to cuddle, share, talk, or sing along with your baby. The DVD can also be a jumping off point for more parent child interaction during your everyday routine.
Talk! Talk! Talk!
From the moment we say that first hello to our new baby, we begin developing our little one’s language. So, when you’re watching a Baby Einstein DVD, you don’t have to be quiet. This is a chance to create little stories.
For example, if you see mechanical toys on the DVD, describe the action to your baby—“see the seals go UP the ladder. Now they’re sliding DOWN and around-- very fast.” If your baby starts “talking” back to your sounds, praise, cuddle, and imitate your baby to keep the conversation going. Even if you feel self-conscious about talking to a 6 month old, just stay the course. Your baby is probably listening and may show you with a smile, nod, or squeal, the many different ways they understand your language.
From the Video Theme to the Real World Scene
Whenever there is an opportunity to link what you have seen on the DVD to other experiences in baby’s life, make that connection. For example, if you watched a DVD about animals, you might say, “Oh, look. There’s a BIG fish on the screen. Do we have another fish in our house?” And off you go to look at your gold fish. This kind of activity shows baby that something we see in one place can be seen in other places too.
Bring it to Life
If children or puppets on the DVD are jumping or dancing, you can hold your little one and dance along to show baby how it feels. You can also play infant sized musical instruments to accompany the DVD Orchestra. Or, try using puppets or baby’s favorite stuffed animals to mimic the action in the DVD. You may get giggles from your little one. Babies usually want to do what they see and you can make that happen.
Make it Personal
Try making connections between what happens on screen with what happens in baby’s life. If you have a DVD that contains sign language, try some of the simpler signs with your baby. If you see how the puppets always do silly stuff, bring a puppet to mealtime to help you serve the food or provide additional encouragement to complete the meal.
Make it a Family Affair
Consider using DVD time as a way to interact with the whole family. If baby has an older sibling(s) around you can invite them watch the DVD with you. Encourage your older child to point out the names of the animals, say the colors, or even make animal sounds. They will probably love playing with baby and will be excited about showing off how much they know!
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