Tuesday, July 15, 2014

When should you schedule promotion? Part Three

Your book is on the shelf and you’re working on the next book.

Hopefully you’ve sat down and scheduled your promotion plan.

Hold up! You don't have a promotion plan and you are ready to pull out your hair.

Here are few tips to get you back on track:

Set up an online release party so you can mix and mingle with your readers.

Set up your monthly newsletter to go out with great content.

Schedule a few interviews on blogs, radios, online magazines.

Created a few podcasts to post while you’re writing.

Write a couple of articles for your site and for guest blogs.

Join a few reader’s groups and participate in them.

Create your own reader’s group - Create a few contests and have content to post once a week.

Schedule a blog tour and stop by the blogs make comments and answer questions.

Social media is your friend - Schedule your content so you have time to write and treat yourself to social media 1 or 2 hours a day.

Create an influencer list - Ask your readers to talk up your book.  Word of mouth is still the best way to sale books.

Sounds like a lot of stuff to do.  It can be overwhelming.  That's why you can't wait until the last minute to schedule your promotion.  Don't get discouraged if you find a lot of the online sites are booked for months.  Check out their guidelines, so you can be better prepared for the next book.

Then schedule your date with them for a later time.  There is always time to promote your book.  All promotion don't have to be in the first month it comes out.  Schedule for three months, 6mth or 9mths later.  Your goal is to sell your book all year long.

There’s a lot to do after the release of your book and you have to make time to promote and write.  Your book will not sell its self as you write the next book.

Schedule time to write and to promote, then get out there and promote, promote, promote.

Don’t forget the paid promotion sites, they can take a lot of the promotion burden off your shoulders.

I hope this series has been helpful for you. If you have any questions feel free to ask, I'm here to help you promote your book.

Did you miss Part One or Part Two?

 Need help with your promotion contact me, I have something for every budget. - 1sormag@gmail.com

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