See Ya On The Net: Please give the readers a brief bio on you the person and the writer.
Lena Nelson Dooley: Lena Nelson Dooley is a multi-published author with Heartsong and Barbour. Three of her books were voted as top ten favorites by readers, and this last year she was voted a top ten favorite author. One book took second place in the American Christian Fiction Writers Book of the Year contest in 2004. One book has been on both the CBD bestseller list and various bestseller lists on Amazon.com. She is married to the love of her life and they have two married daughters and four grandchildren. Lena and James love to travel.
See Ya On The Net: Tell us about your current book?
DOOLEY: Is there any way to escape from a pirate ship?
Angelina de la Fuente Delgado, the pampered daughter of a wealthy merchant, is on her way home from a trip to Spain when her ship is attacked by pirates. The brigands capture her and her aunt and steal all the merchandise on the ship. After forcing most of the crew to walk the plank, they sink the vessel into the Atlantic. Brian O’Doule, who is secretly in love with Angelina, is also kidnapped by the pirates. Driven by feelings of guilt for not preventing the disaster, he does everything in his power to protect the women and to find a way for them all to escape. Will Angelina ever see her home and her beloved father again? Or will she be forced to marry the fierce pirate captain, Etienne Badeau?
See Ya On The Net: What would you like your readers to take away from your book?
DOOLEY: With all my books, I want the reader to see how other people deal with extreme stresses in their lives and allow God to make a difference.
See Ya On The Net: How did it feel to reach your publishing goal?
DOOLEY: Actually, even though I'm writing books number 13 & 14 this year, I get really excited whenever a book sells. My husband knows that I will be excited the rest of the day. I hope I never get over that flush of excitement. Each new sale is a special gift from God, and I celebrate it.
See Ya On The Net: Any advice for those striving for the same goal?
DOOLEY: Keep on, keeping on. The only writers who sell books are those who submit. . .submit. . .submit. However, you should always keep your eyes on the Lord and listen to His voice. Maybe what you're going through right now is the process, and to Him the process is important. We grow as writers and as Christians through the process.
See Ya On The Net: What one thing about writing do you wish other non-writers would understand?
DOOLEY: That it is a real job. A writer works just like they do, maybe even more, for every penny they earn.
See Ya On The Net: Do you have any promotional tips for writers?
DOOLEY: Make yourself visible--on the Internet, at local bookstores, at conferences, etc. Partner with your publisher every way they make available.
See Ya On The Net: What is a favorite book from your childhood?
DOOLEY: Most of the children's books I read were way before most of the reader's times. The Five Little Peppers and How They Grew. Any Nancy Drew book. Then as a teenager, I loved Gone With the Wind.
See Ya On The Net: What was the last book to keep you up at night reading it?
DOOLEY: Web of Lies by Brandilyn Collins
See Ya On The Net: What resources do you use on the net?
DOOLEY: I use the Internet a lot for research. It's valuable to a writer of historical fiction, but I even use it for contemporary books, too. I have a web site which is very active, which includes a monthly newsletter. I also have a blog where I interview a different author each week. I give away one of my books every month on my web site, and on the blog, we give away at least one book a week.
See Ya On The Net: How can readers get in contact with you? (mail, email, website)
DOOLEY: I have contact information on my web site:
It has a mailing address and e-mail address on the web site.
My blog address is:

1 comment:
Yeah~ Lena.
You are an inspiration to those of us who have yet only dreamed of being published. Pirate's Prize looks like an interesting read. I'll have to walk the plank and dig into my treasure chest and buy one.
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