See Ya On The Net: Please give the readers a brief bio on you the person and the writer.
Mata Elliott: My name is Mata Elliott. I’m 38 years young, married 12 years, and I have one son. When I’m not writing I enjoy taking long walks, reading, and eating chocolate. I’ve been writing stories since I could hold a pencil and form words. I considered the idea of writing a book at a young age and actually started writing a novel as a teenager. I never got past the first chapter and soon threw out the idea. At the age of 29 I started writing Forgivin’ Ain’t Forgettin’, and this time I couldn’t put it down until it was finished.
See Ya On The Net: Tell us about your current book?
ELLIOTT: Forgivin’ Ain’t Forgettin’, published by Walk Worthy Press, is my debut novel. It is the story of a young woman living with a painful secret. Years ago when she was a college student she made a decision that has haunted her since. Trapped by guilt, regret, bitterness, self-doubt, and unforgiveness, she is unable to love herself and the man God has put in her life.
See Ya On The Net: What would you like your readers to take away from your book?
ELLIOTT: I would like readers to come away encouraged. Knowing that God is a loving and forgiving God and that He wants us to not only forgive others but also ourselves. Once we ask God for forgiveness it is done. Nothing anyone says about your past matters. You are forgiven. I also hope to send the message to any woman that is hurting that she does not have to suffer in silence or live in oppressive isolation. It is not true that no one else is going through what you are. Pain is pain, so find a safe person to talk with and get help.
See Ya On The Net: How did it feel to reach your publishing goal?
ELLIOTT: Wonderful! I still can’t believe it some days. When I first began submitting my manuscripts and received rejection letters, naturally I felt discouraged and wondered if I should keep trying. God spoke to my heart and reminded me that He’s in charge of the doors of my life. Seek Him, trust Him, and obey Him, and He would open the door He had for me when He was ready.
See Ya On The Net: Any advice for those striving for the same goal?
ELLIOTT: Yes, do not listen to negative words. Stand on the promises God has given you regarding your writing (which may be different than the promises He has given others) and hold onto those promises no matter how many rejections you may receive. While you’re waiting to hear good news, keep learning all you can about writing and the industry, network with others writers, and keep God first in your life.
See Ya On The Net: What one thing about writing do you wish other non-writers would understand?
ELLIOTT: Writing is a full-time job. I may be at home during the day, but I’m not home watching television or painting my toenails. I am writing. And even if I’m not sitting at the computer, I am doing things like reading and researching, which is all a part of constructing a novel.
See Ya On The Net: Do you have any promotional tips for writers?
ELLIOTT: I am new at promotion but I’m already learning that you have to be proactive. This is my new motto which I overheard one writer say to another, “Everybody wants your book.” Of course we know not everyone really does, but it’s a good way to psyche yourself out during promotion. I live in urban America so I’ve been approaching people who are waiting for buses and subways and telling them about my book as I hand them a bookmark. The results have been positive because people love free stuff. No one is more introverted than me, so if I can step out and promote, you can do it too! Tell everyone about your book!
See Ya On The Net: What is a favorite book from your childhood?
ELLIOTT: One of my favorite stories from childhood was Charlotte’s Web. I must have read it a hundred times. I love animals and always have so I’m sure my fascination with the story was because of the animals. Growing up in the city, it was nice to have a glimpse into the life of Fern, one of the main characters and a little girl who lived on a farm.
See Ya On The Net: What was the last book to keep you up at night reading it?
ELLIOTT: Francis Ray’s Trouble Don’t Last Always. I love a good romance and this is one I found difficult to put down.
See Ya On The Net: What resources do you use on the net?
ELLIOTT: It varies. When I’m writing a story, if I need medical information I go to WebMD or something comparable. If I need help with a Bible verse, I often visit Crosswalk.com. The resources on the net are limitless it seems, so if I have a question I’ll simply Google it and I usually find something beneficial.
See Ya On The Net: How can readers get in contact with you? (mail, email, website)
ELLIOTT: I love to hear from readers. They can contact me or sign up for my mailing list at info@mataelliott.com. And please visit my website http://www.mataelliott.com/.

1 comment:
Thanks Meta for the interview.
Many blessings to you and your new writing career.
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