Susan May Warren is the award-winning author of seventeen novels with Tyndale, Steeple Hill and Barbour Publishing. A finalist for the Christy Award in both 2003 and 2006, and a former missionary to Russia, Susan now writes full time from her home in northern Minnesota.
Everything's Coming up Josey
When Josey Berglund’s little sister marries her ex, Josey heads out of town…to Russia, to teach English for a year. If the snow, the subway, the market and the language don’t send her screaming, her love life just might. Will she survive Russia? Or God’s plans for her?
Visit Susan at: http://www.susanmaywarren.com/

Hi Susan,
Thanks so much for the intro.
How was life in Russia?
Russia was...challenging! Yet I learned so much, I'd say it was also rewarding. Not only did God teach me to trust Him, but He also gave me GREAT story ideas! I think any situation in which a person is in over their head is a great opportunity to see God take charge and be glorified.
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