Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Margaret Daley
Mary E. DeMuth
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Nikki Arana
Jill Nelson
Gail Martin
Trish Perry
Deborah Kinnard
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Monday, August 28, 2006
Author Intro: Jill Nelson

See Ya On The Net: Please give the readers a brief bio on you the person and the writer.
Jill Nelson: I wrote my first novel in the sixth grade—never published, and the world is grateful. But I never stopped writing after that. My publishing credits range from newspaper and magazine articles to poetry to essays and short stories. Reluctant Burglar is my debut novel, book one in a romantic suspense series for Multnomah Publishers.
My husband and I reached our 25th wedding anniversary on August 15. I can’t say “celebrated” yet, because we didn’t do much, but the kids have something in the works, and Doug (my husband) keeps making noises about Hawaii this winter. I sure wouldn’t mind ducking out of a Minnesota winter for warm, sandy beaches. We have four children—two boys, two girls—and all but our youngest, a senior this year, are out of the nest.
See Ya On The Net: Tell us about your current book.
NELSON: I like to think Reluctant Burglar is a gourmet blend of intrigue, humor, romance, and pathos. The main female protagonist is smart and sassy Desiree Jacobs, a museum and private art collection security expert—also a first class cat burglar. You’ll have to read the book to find out why that’s a good thing. Tony Lucano is the lead FBI agent investigating a ruthless art theft ring operating out of Boston, Desiree’s home stomping grounds. She’s a suspect, oh, yeah! But is she guilty? He can’t decide, and his job would be a whole lot easier if he wasn’t attracted to her.
You can read more about the series, including an excerpt from Burglar, at my web site: http://www.jillelizabethnelson.com. Go to my To Catch a Thief Books page. I’m also running a contest for a signed copy on my Stealth and Wealth page.
See Ya On The Net: What would you like readers to take away from your book?
NELSON: No matter how tough the situation, God always provides a way out—but usually not the way you expect. Also, be God-reliant, not self-reliant.
See Ya On The Net: What led you to the idea of writing this book, and then to the actual writing of it?
NELSON: One night I woke up, my whole body tense, after dreaming that a woman had sneaked into a home in the middle of the night to return a genuine painting that had been stolen and replaced by a clever forgery. I knew little about her except that she was an expert at what she did, and if she were caught, disaster would follow. My imagination began to play with that nugget. I love stories where people risk much to do the right thing, and I feel sick whenever I hear of art or antiquities desecrated or stolen. Putting these elements together into a tale of intrigue—with a sassy heroine and an intense hero—came easily. I believe that capturing the imagination with a gripping story makes a most effective vehicle to convey thought-provoking realities.
See Ya On The Net: What makes your writing style unique?
NELSON: I write characters you’d love to meet and put them in pulse-pounding situations you’d hate to be in. No angst-ridden anti-heros for me. I’m not that literary. Readers tell me Desi’s off-beat voice is one of the most engaging things about the book. Tony’s no-nonsense style, tempered with a big heart, also steals the show at times. God is also a character who subtly permeates the story. I like to think I write suspense with more meat on its bones than just a slick plot.
See Ya On The Net: What is the hardest part about writing for you?
NELSON: Writing. Just kidding. Research is a breeze, but sometimes squeezing those words onto the page just the way you want them can be a challenge. I’m always learning and growing. Plot can be a bear to tame, too, when you’ve got multiple threads going, and you need to tie them together.
See Ya On The Net: How did you stay motivated to finish the book?
NELSON: Great question. Finishing a manuscript is absolutely key to moving from wannabe to real writer. Sounds elementary, but there are probably a gazillion half-written novels out there, rotting in desk drawers.
Reluctant Burglar was the third manuscript I finished in a four-year span of time. The thing that grabbed me about that story and kept me going was my love of the characters. They were in such deliciously awful situations, I had to keep writing until I got them out—or not.
See Ya On The Net: What do you do to make time for yourself?
NELSON: What’s that? There isn’t any when I’m nearing deadline, but usually I’m able to juggle family, day job, and writing. Not without occasional sacrifice, mind you, (sorry, mom/wife can’t watch a movie with you tonight, etc.) but my family is very supportive. I’m blessed!
See Ya On The Net: What was the last book to keep you up at night reading it?
NELSON: Kaleidescope Eyes by Karen Ball—a great blend of suspense and romance. The main characters sizzle together, and they have unique jobs that are integral to the story. Throw in a daring dog and a cute kid, how can you lose?
See Ya On The Net: How can readers get in contact with you? (mail, email, web site)
NELSON: I love reader mail! E-mail me at jnelson@jillelizabethnelson.com. My wetBsite is http://www.jillelizabethnelson.com. Be sure to enter the contest on my Stealth and Wealth page. And from my Contact page, you can e-mail me or sign up for my newsletter. I’m putting together a loot bag that one newsletter subscriber will win as soon as my subscription base doubles from where it is now. We’re talking cool loot like art prints, books, DVDs, and edible treats.

LaShaunda C. Hoffman turned her love for books into an award winning online magazine for readers and writers of multi-cultural literature, Shades Of Romance - SORMAG. Her mission in life is to help promote writers by introducing them to readers.
Born and raised in St. Louis Missouri, LaShaunda started her adventure in life by joining the United States Navy. She served her country for six years and returned to her home town. She began to work for the U.S. government. At her 10 year class reunion she reconnected with the man who would become her husband. They are blessed with two children and will be adding a new blessing in February 2007.
LaShaunda is currently working on a Christian romance and on the hunt for a literary agent. She hopes to one day introduce her books to readers.
Here are few interviews:
Born and raised in St. Louis Missouri, LaShaunda started her adventure in life by joining the United States Navy. She served her country for six years and returned to her home town. She began to work for the U.S. government. At her 10 year class reunion she reconnected with the man who would become her husband. They are blessed with two children and will be adding a new blessing in February 2007.
LaShaunda is currently working on a Christian romance and on the hunt for a literary agent. She hopes to one day introduce her books to readers.
Here are few interviews:
Monday, August 21, 2006
Author Intro: Gail Martin

See Ya On The Net: Please give the readers a brief bio on you the person and the writer.
Gail Martin: Gail Martin, the person, loves to laugh, tells funny stories about herself, has sung all her life as a soloist and with wonderful audition groups as well as at her church. She studied acting and public speaking in college and loves to travel all over the world. She is a lifelong Christian who’s always been church active with everything from congregational president to puppeteer and script writer. Gail Gaymer Martin the writer is a multi-award winning novelist who began writing fiction in 1997 and sold to Barbour Publishing in 1998. She sold to Steeple Hill in 1999 and has now sold forty contracted fiction books and twenty-three worship resource books as well as hundreds of articles for national Christian magazines. She is a popular speaker and has presented writing workshops across the US and in London, England.
See Ya On The Net: Tell us about your current book?
MARTIN: In His Eyes is the first book in the Michigan Island series for Steeple Hill set on Harsens Island in Lake St. Clair. My short blurb says: When Ellene Bordini arrives on the island, the early March wind’s bitter chill has less impact than the look in Connor Faraday’s eyes. Years had passed, but the emotions have not, and when Ellene becomes stranded on the island with her old flame, emotions heat up in more ways than one.
See Ya On The Net: What would you like your readers to take away from your book?
MARTIN: The theme of this book is based on The Bible verse theme is from Matthew 6: 22-23. The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light. It is a story of the weightiness of a weak faith and it teaches forgiveness and humility.
See Ya On The Net: What led you to the idea of writing this book, and then to the actual writing of it?
MARTIN: While visiting Harsens Island which has no bridge, only ferry service, my husband and I were stranded for many hours by an ice jam. His relatives mentioned about times when they were stranded for a week to three weeks when the channel has been blocked by ice with no way off the island except for emergency by helicopter. As a writer tends to do, I began to think of a plot where a formerly engaged man and woman are stranded on the island with his little daughter and a witty and elderly aunt. I did a proposal and the story sold.
See Ya On The Net: What makes your writing style unique?
MARTIN: I measure my writing by what readers say. They consistently mention three things about my writing:
1 - It flows in a poetic style.
2 - It’s filled with emotion
3 - They can’t put it down.
See Ya On The Net: What is the hardest part about writing for you?
MARTIN: Revising an idea that is truly embedded in my mind is the hardest thing to do. I”m glad this happens rarely although smaller revisions are not uncommon. But revisions of any kind affects the entire novel because I do a lot of foreshadowing, and this means rewriting much of the book.
See Ya On The Net: How did you stay motivated to finish the book?
MARTIN: Once I begin a novel, the story pulls me along, and I’m excited to finish it especially once I reach the middle. I usually have another looming deadline which is another motivation to keep writing. Right now I have sold five new books plus a non-fiction book for Writers Digest which all have deadlines.
See Ya On The Net: What do you do to make time for yourself?
MARTIN: I have a cleaning lady and landscaper, and my husband does many household tasks which gives me more writing time. I have numerous interests so I continue to sing with my choir plus perform solo work and I play handbells and handchimes which means more rehearsals. I also sing with renown Christian chorale in the Detroit metro area. I treasure friends and family and I make time for them - but I do write long hours daily.
See Ya On The Net: What was the last book to keep you up at night reading it?
MARTIN: That’s one pleasure that I can’t do justice. My reading is sporadic and even though I’m truly enjoying a book, I often have to lay it down to go back to my writing or another activity. Normally suspense keeps me reading more than anything. I’m presently reading the DaVinci Code which is very exciting. I look at it as fiction and not fact.
See Ya On The Net: How can readers get in contact with you? (mail, email, website)
MARTIN: I’m very available to readers. My preferred email for readers is authorgailmartin@aol.com. My web site at www.gailmartin.com also has a hyperlink to me, and I have a blog where readers can comment at www.gailmartin.blogspot.com My web site is filled with information for both readers and writers. Under the tab For Writers, they will find workshop logs, articles and frequently asked questions. Much of this material will be incorporated into my new Writers Digest book Writing Christian Romance That Sells which will be released late next year.

Monday, August 14, 2006
Author Intro: Trish Perry

See Ya On The Net: Please give the readers a brief bio on you the person and the writer.
Trish Perry: I’ve been a Christian for 18 years and a serious writer for 12. In hindsight, I see that the Lord used that six-year gap to prepare me for writing, even though I was a tad clueless about what was going on. He led me through an education in Psychology, which has been a great help in understanding characters and what drives them. He led me through oodles of opportunities to learn about the craft of writing and to get to know people associated with the business: fellow writers, editors, agents, readers, and teachers. He opened doors for me only when my family could handle my walking through them.
I live in Virginia with my landscape-designing hubby and my brilliant teenaged son. My lovely daughter is fully growed, as Tammy Tyree used to say, and she and her dear husband have blessed me with a grandson who cracks me up constantly.
See Ya On The Net: Tell us about your current book?
PERRY: The Guy I’m Not Dating is a romantic comedy (chick lit) about Kara Richardson, a sharp, young Christian woman who is sick of failing in her romantic efforts. She decides to take the non-dating approach to all future relationships with men. Kara figures she’ll leave the romance part solely up to God. He’ll choose the proper man for her out of her group of male friends, and settle her easily into a respectable courtship at the proper time. That’s the plan.
Kara couldn’t have picked a worse time to meet Gabe Paolino, an immensely datable (and interested) young man who comes to town. But Gabe agrees to a platonic friendship, and the two friends do well until circumstances intervene. A road trip, from Virginia to Florida, becomes necessary for both of them. In an overcrowded van—filled with three restless teens, one odd elderly aunt, Kara’s best bud, and a vixen with eyes for Gabe—the struggling uncouple ventures forth and develops their friendship, crash-course style. Kara discovers that the guy she’s not dating may just be the best boyfriend she’s never had.
See Ya On The Net: What would you like your readers to take away from your book?
PERRY: First, I want my readers to have a good time. I don’t set out to write “message” stories; I just want to write entertaining books. But the whole non-dating idea intrigues me, and I have respect for people who take that kind of care in finding a truly good friend before trying to find romance. I hope readers will enjoy the humor of Kara’s struggle to do the right thing, despite her attraction to Gabe. And I hope the way God blesses His obedient children in this story will be the book’s most attractive facet of all.
See Ya On The Net: What led you to the idea of writing this book, and then to the actual writing of it?
PERRY: Several years ago, at a women’s Bible conference, my daughter introduced me to a girlfriend of hers. The girl had lived with her boyfriend when neither of them was a believer. When the boyfriend found Christ, he moved out, leaving his girlfriend angry and devastated. In time, though, she accepted the Lord and became friends again with her old boyfriend. Eventually their friendship matured, and he asked her if he could court her, with marriage in mind. So they went from ultra-worldly to ultra-pure. I loved their story and decided to write a humorous non-dating romance some day. I had a few works in progress at the time, but two books later, I finally got cracking on this story, and now The Guy I’m Not Dating will release this month!
See Ya On The Net: What makes your writing style unique?
PERRY: People have said my writing is like conversation. I’ve never been a poetic gal, really, other than a nice turn of phrase dropping miraculously onto the page here and there. But it’s easy to read my writing. Not Dick-and-Jane easy, I would hope, but easy as if you were chatting with a girlfriend, but she’s doing all the talking while you’re relaxing in the tub with a box of chocolates. I can’t be the only one who loves reading that way. With the tub and chocolates, I mean.
See Ya On The Net: What is the hardest part about writing for you?
PERRY: Shutting out the rest of the world. I am not one of those people who writes well in noisy environments. No music, no phone, no conversations allowed. I lose my focus easily, so I guard it as if it were the Windsor family jewels. So summer, when my son is home during the day, is a struggle. My boy could watch a lousy old rerun of Saved by the Bell, and I’ll find myself listening to the storyline. Torture!
See Ya On The Net: How did you stay motivated to finish the book?
PERRY: One word: deadline! When I got my contract for The Guy I’m Not Dating, I actually sold it on the strength of a few preliminary chapters, along with another completely written novel, also contracted the same day. But I had envisioned the completed novel as the first release, with The Guy I’m Not Dating coming afterward—a nice tidy book set, a nice tidy writing plan. Blessed are the flexible, though, because my publisher decided to open with The Guy I’m Not Dating. Not only did that require my making significant chronological changes to the completed novel, but it also required my finishing The Guy I’m Not Dating far earlier than I planned. The decision to switch the order of the books was a good one, though. The Second Novel Formerly Known as the First Novel (Too Good to Be True) will release in March 2007.
See Ya On The Net: What do you do to make time for yourself?
PERRY: Honey, that’s the whine I have with dinner every night! Seriously, I consider my evening time untouchable winding-down time, spent with my family. I seldom go back to work once I’ve stopped to have dinner and relax with my guys. And I belong to a women’s book club, which meets monthly and is great fun—we even discuss the book once in a while. Finally, two weeks out of every year, the guys go away together, either to church youth camp or on a skiing trip out west. Those are my free weeks, and I produce like a powerhouse during that time and still have time to relax, eat Chinese food, and catch up on chick flicks.
See Ya On The Net: What was the last book to keep you up at night reading it?
PERRY: That was actually one of my book club’s choices, Their Eyes Were Watching God, by Zora Neale Hurston. Good grief, the woman doesn’t let you go until you only have one and a half pages left. I couldn’t have slept without finding out if poor Janie was found guilty or not (I’m being deliberately vague—I hate spoilers!).
See Ya On The Net: How can readers get in contact with you? (mail, email, website)
PERRY: I love hearing from readers and writers! Contact me through my website (www.trishperrybooks.com), my email address (trishperrybooks@earthlink.net), or my new Amazon blog (Trish Perry on Amazon).

Friday, August 11, 2006

A collection of short inspirational love stories from thirteen emerging authors:
LaShaunda Hoffman, St. Louis, Missouri (That's ME)
H. Renay Anderson, Texas
Shauna Stephens-Batts, Miami, Florida
Aleigha Butler, Atlanta, Georgia
Sherille Fisher, Houston, Texas
Vien Jernigan, Tallahassee, Florida
April McDermid, Tallahassee, Florida
Francina Roberts, Tallahassee, Florida
Kim Robinson, Dallas, Texas
Alescia Smith, Cleveland, Ohio
Juanita E. Thomas, Tallahassee, Florida
Anne Haw Holt-Webb, Tallahassee, Florida
Barbara Joe-Williams, Tallahassee, Florida
LaShaunda Hoffman, St. Louis, Missouri (That's ME)
H. Renay Anderson, Texas
Shauna Stephens-Batts, Miami, Florida
Aleigha Butler, Atlanta, Georgia
Sherille Fisher, Houston, Texas
Vien Jernigan, Tallahassee, Florida
April McDermid, Tallahassee, Florida
Francina Roberts, Tallahassee, Florida
Kim Robinson, Dallas, Texas
Alescia Smith, Cleveland, Ohio
Juanita E. Thomas, Tallahassee, Florida
Anne Haw Holt-Webb, Tallahassee, Florida
Barbara Joe-Williams, Tallahassee, Florida
You may pre-order an autographed copy of How I Met My Sweetheart by sending a check/money order to the following address for $12.00 (includes tax and shipping):
LaShaunda Hoffman
7127 Minnesota Ave
St. Louis, MO 63111
Friday, August 04, 2006
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Author Intro: Deb Kinnard

Deb Kinnard: Deb Kinnard started writing at age ten, frustrated because there was no preteen girl with a horse on “Bonanza.” From there she progressed to short stories and really bad poetry.
In college, she gained two degrees in health care and spent time observing hippies, basketball stars, el-ed majors and other strange species.
While raising two active girls and cherishing a husband, she enjoyed a career that encompasses Spanish translation, volunteer work at a crisis line, years in assorted ERs that don’t resemble the one on TV, and a day job at a big Chicago teaching hospital.
She’s an active learner in her Romance Writers of America chapter, a member of American Christian Fiction Writers, and a loud singer at church. In 2002 and 2003, she sold her first and second novels, Powerline and Oakwood to Treble Heart Books.
When Deb’s not at the computer writing, she keeps busy with reading, playing the guitar, and skiing in the winter. With her husband, she enjoys the “Connections” outreach team at church, and turns up in the annual church musicals, trying to do something that resembles dancing. She loves to travel and meet new people, some of whom turn up later in her stories. So if you meet a short woman with a light in her eye…
Represented by agent Andrea Boeshaar of the Hartline Literary agency, she’s busy proposing sales for her fourteen unsold novels lurking in the bottom drawer.
Matt Greenlee mixes ministry with SF writing. When he gets a new editor, Matt scents disaster, for his new editor is female. He fears attraction, considering himself poor husband material. How can he risk his heart?
AJ Mercer’s hippie upbringing left her wary of Christianity and men, but she’s attracted to her client. The gloves are off—his biases versus her need for success.
When these two mix it up over a book, can they find happiness—love, or literary?
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