Ginger Garrett is an acclaimed novelist and expert in ancient women's history.
Her first novel, Chosen, was recognized as one of the best five novels of the year by the Christian publishing industry. Ginger enjoys a diverse reader base and creates conversation between cultures.
In addition to her 2006 and 2007 novels about the most evil women in biblical history, she will release Beauty Secrets of the Bible (published by Thomas Nelson) in Summer 2007.
Dark Hour

From the back cover:
God promised the Serpent a war with Woman, and was She ever ready.
One of the darkest and bloodiest stories of all time comes not from a medieval battlefield, but from inside one of the most opulent palaces ever built. The strategies come not from men eager to extend their influence, but from women bent on exercising their wit and prowess in a kingdom not their own. The only rule is that there are no rules. Treason and murder are fair game, marriage is meaningless, children are the enemy, and the days of the house of David are numbered. Unless one woman can find the strength to defeat them all.
Visit Ginger at: http://www.gingergarrett.com/
Hi LaShaunda!
Thanks so much for featuring Dark Hour!
Have you read my friend Claudia Mair Burney? She's the most amazing writer who is gaining a lot of popularity with the African-American market.
Blessings, Ginger Garrett
Hi, LaShaunda! I have to ask. With this beautiful woman, which came first, the name or the hair color! LOL! Hope you're well.
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