See Ya On The Net: Please give the readers a brief bio on you the person and the writer.
Karen H. Whiting: I’m a mother of five and also a grandmother. I still have one teen son at home. I never wanted to write. My degree is math and I enjoy numbers and puzzles! Many people urged me to write about what I did with my children and as a mom. After much prayer I decided to try it. That was 12 years and ten books ago. I can’t get ideas out of my mind until I write them down!
I enjoy family, love children, and like to knit, bicycle ride (on a tandem with my husband), horseback ride, and entertaining. I’ve spoken as far away as Malaysia.

See Ya On The Net: Tell us about your current book?
WHITING: My newest book is Secrets of Success for Women: Time. It offers inspiration, practical tips, and creative solutions for women drowning in busyness and chaos. It is compact and is a gift book, too, with beautiful color photos and graphics.
The time principles are drawn from Genesis 1, the most productive week in history. The book came after my own struggle with over-commitment! When I speak I share the hilarious stories of my time bloopers!
See Ya On The Net: What would you like your readers to take away from your book?
WHITING: A sense that they can make better choices and reduce stress in life to allow them to spend more time in what they are truly called to do in relationships and ministry.
See Ya On The Net: What led you to the idea of writing this book, and then to the actual writing of it?
WHITING: My daughters starting having families and wanted help with time management, and I realized lots of women needed some of the same tips. I wanted to offer a compact book for busy women who don’t have time to read a big book!
See Ya On The Net: What one thing about writing do you wish other non-writers would understand?
WHITING: On the positive side, it’s a great outlet for creative ideas and I’ve meet many wonderful people as a writer and speaker. My mind is always popping with new thoughts and this is a great way to share them.
On the down side, it’s hard work and not glamorous. People seem to think I’m rich from writing books so I can speak for free (not even gas money). I do like speaking but it takes time from writing and the writing pays very little.
See Ya On The Net: How are you marketing your book and what are your thoughts about the importance of marketing for authors?
WHITING: I’ve done lots of radio interviews, speaking, articles, and anything I can do to get the word out. This is my second blog interview.
My best selling books simply spread by word of mouth and did not have a lot of competition in the market place. It’s very important to promote your books because the shelves are crowded with lots of choices.
If you like a book, do tell others about it. If you find a Christian book makes a difference in your life, share the book as it is a way to share your faith!
See Ya On The Net: Name your top five favorite writing books of all time.
WHITING: Christian Writing and Speaking edited by Susan Titus Osborn (the first writing book I read. It helped me understand what to do).
Feminine Wiles by Donna Elizabeth Boetig taught me tons about writing for women
Websters Dictionary and Thesaurus-my handy tool for finding new words that has it all in one!
Sally Stuart’s Christian Writer’s Market Guide-lets me know who is publishing what & gives tips of their needs.
100 Plus Motivational Moments for Writers and Speakers compiled by Donna Goodrich, Mary Lou Kingler, and Jan Potter—infuses me with inspiration and reminds me I’m not alone in my writing experiences!
See Ya On The Net: What was the last book to keep you up at night reading it?
WHITING: Fiction:Debra White Smith’s Reason and Romance
Nonfiction: Conversation Peace by Mary A Kassian
See Ya On The Net: What resources do you use on the net?
WHITING: Dogpile for my search engine as it brings up the top and closest matches.
Amazon to scope out the competition.
I look for actual research studies, not just places that quote figures-I try and find the source of the facts.
Visit Karen at: www.secretsofsuccessforwomen.com
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