Monday, March 31, 2014
Book Of The Week: When Perfection Fails by Tyora Moody
About the Book
Reverend Jonathan Freeman and his wife Lenora are quickly becoming Charlotte’s “it” couple. All eyes are on them as Jonathan is named pastor of a church following the death of his father and Lenora has become a sought-after wedding planner. The Freemans are media darlings and a model couple; the picture of perfection. Or are they? Behind the scenes, Jonathan struggles with his role as pastor of a megachurch while Lenora grows increasingly and uncharacteristically distant. A number of odd and tragic incidents push her further away from the love of her life and the façade of perfection begins to crack. A carefully guarded secret catches up with Lenora and it threatens her security as well as that of her family. Has an imperfect past finally caught up with her? Will the ghost of someone she thought long dead rise like Lazarus from the grave and destroy all she has worked to preserve? Or will Lenora fight to protect the man she loves and the beautiful life God has blessed her to have?
Thursday, March 27, 2014
BLOG TOUR: The Big Picture Interactive Bible for Kids, David and Goliath Edition LeatherTouch: Connecting Christ Throughout God's Story
Kids can now be engaged in Bible reading and study as never before, seeing scenes from the Bible literally pop off the page via a free downloadable app that lets them view the images in an augmented reality format, as well as listen to narration of the event.
This full color, fully designed Bible includes features to help kids experience the Bible including call outs of key Bible stories, definitions, memory verses and more, all designed to get kids digging into and learning the Bible for life.
Together kids and parents can enjoy the Christ Connections and Big Questions and Answers call outs that show God's story unfolding from the beginning of time and how we fit into his plan.
This meets children in the visual world they are so accustomed to, bringing Bible pages to life. Over 400,000 individual participants, 40,000 plus groups, and 7,000 plus churches have already started their journey with LifeWay's Gospel Project, making this the perfect companion for the Gospel Project for Kids curriculum.
This is part of the Big Picture brand, which includes The Big Picture Interactive Bible Storybook, The Big Picture of What God Has Always Wanted, and The Big Picture: Making God the Main Focus in Your Life. Augmented reality narrations by Jenna Lucado.
When I agreed to be a part of this book tour, I was expecting a comic book looking book to show up. How wrong I was. I was impressed with the book that I received. It has a leather feel and resembles a real bible. Which impressed my son, he liked having a big boy's bible.
I loved that it was an easy to read bible and its interactive which is great for my son who loves anything he can do on the computer. I’m looking forward to the conversations I will have with my son as he reads his new bible. I like the Big Questions, Christ Connection, Versus To Remember, Parent connection and Seeing The Big picture sessions throughout the bible.
I can see him using this bible for many years.
I highly recommend it as the perfect gift for a young reader 5 – 13. Because it’s such an easy bible to read, your teenager might enjoy it too if they don’t think the cartoons are too childish.
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Writing Fears: Choosing To Self Publish
Self publishing has always been in the back of my mind, since I started writing. I met a lot of writers who are indi publishers and I’ve always admired their courage to take their writing into their own hands.
I think what has stopped me was I’m from the old school of writing wanting some big publisher to say they loved my book and give me a big check to publish it. Yeah I had that dream for years.
As I learned more about the business, I found out why a lot of people were publishing their own books. Mainly they didn’t want to sit and wait on someone to tell them their book was good enough. They believed in their work and was willing to step out and let others make their own judgment.
When you’re dealing with fear, stepping out is the last thing you want to do. You want to keep telling yourself, someone will buy your book. What you’re not telling yourself is that they won’t buy it if you don’t finish it or if you don’t submit it. For years I was that girl saying I’m writing, but not saying I’m not submitting.
I was scared to death to submit my work.
This weekend I realized I was scared to death to self publish it too.
I’m working with a business coach, LaTara Bussey and she said to me, LaShaunda you been working on this book for a while. You need to set a release date. My mind screamed, “are you crazy, no way”
It was easier to say I’m working on a book, than to sit down and schedule my book release.
Am I really ready to put myself out there?
Am I ready to see my dreams come true?
I’m still scared but I’m not going to let that stop me.
September 9th is my release date.
OMG I just wrote the date.
Pray for me because I’m starting a new journey in my life. I’m afraid but I’m holding on to the Lord’s hand this time. He will guide me every step of the way.
FEAR – get out of my way. I have dreams to work on.
Stay tune, this journey is interesting. Next week I’ll tell you what not to do when you thinking about book covers.
Why did you choose to self publish?
Self Publishing,
Writing Fears,
Writing Journey
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Writing Fears: Choosing To Write
We all have choices. We can choose to watch t.v. every day and not write. We can choose to hang out with our friends every weekend and not write. We can go to the gym or do other things and avoid writing. We can talk on the phone until the wee hours and not write.
These are the choices that we make. As a writer you have to make the choices that are best for you when it comes to writing. You have to decide what is important and what is not important when it comes to your writing. Then you have to schedule a timeframe so you can write.
I’m trying to do better with my own choices. I have let the outside world take over when it comes to my writing. Because I’m not published I sometimes feel like what’s the use I’ll write when I feel like it. However I can’t get to publication if I continue with this attitude.
I have to put myself on a schedule so I can learn what deadlines are and how to meet them. When I do become a published author there will be times I don’t want to write, but I will have to and I no longer have the excuse of I don’t feel like it to back me up.
The procrastination has to end. I have to write. This year one of my goals was to write twice a week on this blog. I wanted to get into the habit of writing on a schedule.
I also created a calendar for working on my manuscripts and its working for me. I can finally see an end. When I didn’t have a schedule it felt like I was writing in circles.
I do have choices and this time I choose to write.
What are you choosing to do that’s getting in front of your writing?
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Business Tip: Join Social Medias

Invite your customers to join your social media platforms.
Make sure to interact with them, offer them discounts, host contests and keep your customers informed on what’s happening with your business.
Remember to have fun while using social media or you’ll stop when it becomes overwhelming.
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Writing Fears: Moving Forward
Fear 3: Moving Forward
Fear is about standing still. Is not about going forward, not moving. It’s about turning back to your old ways, staying in your rut.
This weekend I heard a sermon about I won’t turn back. The minister talked about moving forward and not dying in the place you are. I took it as you have to move forward, learn new things, try new things, to reach your goals.
I won’t turn back, that is my new motto for this year, I will add it to my moving past the fear.
Not turning back is a big part of moving past the fear. Not turning back means breaking out of old habits, moving toward my goals instead of not reaching them.
I don’t want to turn back. I’ve been through a lot. I’ve come through a lot. I know everything I’ve went through is for a reason. Its to teach me to be a stronger person. To teach me I can get through my trials and storms. It also teaches me that God is with me every step of the way. Especially in the fearful ones. He has told us not to be fearful and to lean on him, and even when we don’t understand he will be there for us.
I’m am learning this in my journey past fear. My belief is growing stronger each day. I’m depending on God instead of LaShaunda, because LaShaunda isn’t going anywhere, but with God I can go further and further.
I know that I won’t turn back. I will move forward, and reach the goals I have set for this year.
Are you standing still? Are you sitting where you were last year? You can move forward – BELIEVE.
Friday, March 07, 2014
Tell us a little about you and when and why you decided to start wearing your hair naturally?
Mother/grandmother who enjoys spending time with her family. I was tried of throwing my money away on weaves, sew ins, quick weaves , braids etc. Went through my check books and up what I had spent in the beauty shop for these services and said no more. When I told my beautician to wash, condition and cut, she asked at least six time if I was sure. Each time the answer was yes.
What was your biggest hair obstacle to overcome?
None, once I made up my mine to go natural it was a done deal.
What are three products you can't live without for your hair?
My large tooth comb, my silk cap, head band, fancy combs for decoration. Would love advice on a good product to keep my hair moisturized.
What are your favorite styles to Wear?
Combed with a part on the right side so my gray can be seen.
What natural site/blogs so you follow?
Have not followed any.
Any advice for the newly natural sister?
I just went natural on the 1st of February, 2013, so my only advice is to go for it and enjoy.
Do you have a site/blog/facebook to follow?
Toni Bonita Robinson on facebook.
Would you like to be my next Curly Sister? I have slots available for APR/MAY/JUN. Send an email to
Thursday, March 06, 2014
BUSINESS TIP: Do you have a website?
There are many businesses using Facebook as their home base. What happens if Facebook crashed tomorrow? How would you get in contact with your followers?
Invest in your own website. You want your customers to have a place to always come back to. Create your own space on the net. Introduce your business, share your contact information and include an opt in mailing list.
Tuesday, March 04, 2014
Writing Fears - Letting Someone Read Your Manuscripts
Fear 2: Letting Someone Read My Manuscripts
You can’t get to published if you don’t let others read or critique your books. You have to step out of your comfort zone if you want to move forward. It took me years of I can’t do that, to letting someone other than my mother read my manuscripts.
I will recommend finding someone you feel comfortable with and who reads your genre. You want someone who gets what you write to read your manuscript. I have a few horror stories about critique partners who didn’t get my writing and sent me into writing comas for years.
I good critique group will tear your story apart but will also help you build it up into a book you can be proud of. You have to develop thick skin when it comes to your writing because there will be times when someone reading your stories will not like them. Don’t take it personal, learn from every critique and grow as a writer. Don’t think your stuff is so perfect you can’t improve it.
Yes I suffered from the there is nothing wrong with my book disease a little bit. I think every writer thinks their work is perfect when they first start, however if you plan on continuing to be a writer, you learn that you grow with each manuscript and that means making mistakes and correcting them.
This year I'm focusing on editing the books in my closet, which means a lot of critiquing. I've put on my coat of armor. I'm ready to learn what I need to do to make these books into publishable books.
I’m moving past the fear and moving toward critiques.
Stop by next Tuesday for more about my journey on getting past the Fear.
Did you have a problem with letting others read your manuscript?
What did you do to move past your writing Fears?
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